Ok ... I must admit, that for the past day or so, since writing this blog post, I have been wondering whether I should actually hit the publish button on this piece or not. But I have come to the conclusion, that whether or not anyone reads this, I am going to go ahead and publish it anyway. Think of it as me using my blog as a personal therapy session if you will. After all, I did say in my "Hello" post that I would also be writing about the 'down right messy' and I guess for me, this is one of those times.
Funny how something small, unexpected and even insignificant can happen that snowballs out of control sending an avalanche of unpredicted storms your way. I am fighting through one of these storms right now and its leaving me an uncontrollable mess. Its a very personal battle, so I wont be going into any great detail, I just cant, I'm sorry. I am just hoping, that by writing these feelings down in some form, that it will help me to clear my head, overcome my irrational thoughts and help me to get back on the road I was traveling.
I'm feeling stuck, like I've forgotten to breathe, I'm fighting against the raging current getting pushed under further and further. Stopping the walls from crumbling down around me is an exhausting battle, but I am determined to fight back, I have to !! I need to say goodbye to the tears I have been shedding, take a deep breath and regain my strength, these past few weeks of feeling small and alone is more than I have been able to cope with.
Putting on a brave face has been hard, I have wanted to scream, kick out, crumble in my emotional mess and wallow in my self pity, but NO !! I have always been a pretty strong woman, well as strong as I possibly can manage. I have my moments like everyone, but never have I felt quite like this.
I'm going to find my way back, it will be hard and I'm sure doubts will still cloud my mind at times, but not only do my family need me back to my old self, I need me too. I need me to stand tall, take back control and to live my wonderful life with my wonderful family. I will get through my storm and find the calm waters to which I belong.
29 Aug 2012
27 Aug 2012
First win glory !
It's that time of year again, the Inter School Touch Football season has begun ..... and this year, following in his three big brothers footsteps, it is our little guys turn to strap on the boots, pull on a jersey and join the "Bullets" as they head for touch down glory.
Game one was on Friday night and our team was full of excitement as they ran on the field, they went out hard and fast scoring within the first few minutes of the game...SCORE !! Kids were ecstatic, high fives were flying, the parents were cheering,fun was being had by all.
It was a close game, a fast game, but the Bullets kept their noses in front by one point the entire game and in the end the final score was 6 points to 5....
Well done boys, cant wait for next week, but remember its all about the fun and team spirit, not whether you win or loose.
Game one was on Friday night and our team was full of excitement as they ran on the field, they went out hard and fast scoring within the first few minutes of the game...SCORE !! Kids were ecstatic, high fives were flying, the parents were cheering,fun was being had by all.
It was a close game, a fast game, but the Bullets kept their noses in front by one point the entire game and in the end the final score was 6 points to 5....
Well done boys, cant wait for next week, but remember its all about the fun and team spirit, not whether you win or loose.
Winners are Grinner's |
22 Aug 2012
Books Books Books
Sometimes we just need to escape, we need to take a giant leap from our everyday reality and indulge in a wondrous fantasy !!
When its cold, grey and miserable, my favorite way to brighten the day, and escape, is to snuggle down and relax with a cup of coffee and a good book.
Yes, I confess !! I am a bookworm :) and frankly I don't need the excuse of bad weather to be turning the pages of an adventure. Reading is a big part of who I am, books are my ultimate indulgence, along with clothes, shoes and makeup (I am a woman after all ) ...........
Here is a list of my all time favourites, that I have read and re-read on many occasions.
When its cold, grey and miserable, my favorite way to brighten the day, and escape, is to snuggle down and relax with a cup of coffee and a good book.
Yes, I confess !! I am a bookworm :) and frankly I don't need the excuse of bad weather to be turning the pages of an adventure. Reading is a big part of who I am, books are my ultimate indulgence, along with clothes, shoes and makeup (I am a woman after all ) ...........
Here is a list of my all time favourites, that I have read and re-read on many occasions.
- Jodie Picoult My Sisters Keeper
- Judith Michael Deceptions (a personal favorite)
- Kathryn Stockett The Help
- Kathy Lette How to Kill Your Husband (this will make you laugh out loud)
- Bryce Courtney Jessica
- Stephen King The Green Mile
- Shania Twain From this Moment On
- Stephanie Meyer The Twilight Series
- J.K Rowling The Harry Potter Series (to feed my inner child)
18 Aug 2012
I went ... I saw ... I bought ... I was in Crafty Heaven
EEEEK ! I'm squealing with such delight, I can see myself getting addicted all over again. Don't worry I'm not talking about any bad kind of addiction ( with the exception of my bank account being attacked on a regular bases ) but my addiction to craft and decorating !!
Finally Lincraft has opened up a store where I live, and as I walked through the doors for the very first time this morning, I was in crafty heaven, with the "crafty" part of me bubbling over with pure joy.
Oh my ... I didn't know where to look first. I felt like shouting "move aside ladies, crafty is here" but you will be pleased to know that I kept my dignity and just walked the isles along with all the other craft obsessed ladies that were loading their baskets with goodies. I must admit, that since we are in the middle of renovations that it was the home wares that took my eye instead of the craft items this time, and although I could have gone nuts, I did my best to restrain myself .. well kind of .. I purchased new curtains for the living room, and at 40% off I really couldn't leave them there, could I ? and while wondering around in my world of bliss I spied the cutest little cushion that funnily enough just happened to follow me home :) and so since these purchases seemed to fill my arms I decided that I had reached my limitfor today at least.
But never fear, I will be back ti attack all those sparkly eye catching scrap booking items real soon.
I apologise now to my husband for the lack of funds in our bank account from this day forth.
Finally Lincraft has opened up a store where I live, and as I walked through the doors for the very first time this morning, I was in crafty heaven, with the "crafty" part of me bubbling over with pure joy.
Oh my ... I didn't know where to look first. I felt like shouting "move aside ladies, crafty is here" but you will be pleased to know that I kept my dignity and just walked the isles along with all the other craft obsessed ladies that were loading their baskets with goodies. I must admit, that since we are in the middle of renovations that it was the home wares that took my eye instead of the craft items this time, and although I could have gone nuts, I did my best to restrain myself .. well kind of .. I purchased new curtains for the living room, and at 40% off I really couldn't leave them there, could I ? and while wondering around in my world of bliss I spied the cutest little cushion that funnily enough just happened to follow me home :) and so since these purchases seemed to fill my arms I decided that I had reached my limit
But never fear, I will be back ti attack all those sparkly eye catching scrap booking items real soon.
Could not resist this gorgeous cushion |
16 Aug 2012
A Rough Journey to Success
In just two short weeks, my 2nd eldest son will be sitting the most important exams of his schooling life. It's time for him to take a deep breath, gather all his strength, concentrate on himself and to remember that he has the full support of his family as he sits for the QLD QCS exams (grade 12). After 13 years of school and hard work, the time has finally arrived !!
As a family we have been through these exams before with our eldest son, and although a stressful time (for both him, mum and dad) he seemed to cope not to badly, and proved that hard work and determination do pay off, making us very proud.
Son number two is entering these exams with a lot on his shoulders, a lot more stress. He has always been hardest on himself, always expecting the best results (in all that he does) and has his heart set on a particular OP score for entrance into his University preferred course of a "Bachelor of Multimedia" .
His Grade 12 journey has not been an easy one. Earlier in the year he went into hospital for a routine ingrown toenail operation that went terribly wrong. An infection set in resulting in an emergency second operation where he had to have most of his toe removed down to the bone. This required a lengthy stay in hospital and many weeks at home recovering, leaving him to keep up on his school work and studies through email with his teachers. Naturally his marks dropped, just a little and not enough to worry his teachers, but it deflated his confidence, and it has been a slow and heart wrenching journey watching him beat himself up and claw his way back. He always had our full support and positive encouragement, but in the end only he could work himself through this ordeal. He is slowly gaining back trust in himself and showing signs of our "old boy" again, its been a tough old year.
With continuous support from us, his family and the fantastic teachers, I have complete faith that he will get the results that he so desires, the results that he has been working so hard to achieve.
So good luck my sweet boy, your school journey is almost at its end, and the next stage of your life about to begin. Know that you have made us so very proud, and that when, and not if, you get the results you are aiming for, that mums tears really are tears of joy and that I am so proud to be your mum and to have traveled this tough journey along with you xx
As a family we have been through these exams before with our eldest son, and although a stressful time (for both him, mum and dad) he seemed to cope not to badly, and proved that hard work and determination do pay off, making us very proud.
Son number two is entering these exams with a lot on his shoulders, a lot more stress. He has always been hardest on himself, always expecting the best results (in all that he does) and has his heart set on a particular OP score for entrance into his University preferred course of a "Bachelor of Multimedia" .
His Grade 12 journey has not been an easy one. Earlier in the year he went into hospital for a routine ingrown toenail operation that went terribly wrong. An infection set in resulting in an emergency second operation where he had to have most of his toe removed down to the bone. This required a lengthy stay in hospital and many weeks at home recovering, leaving him to keep up on his school work and studies through email with his teachers. Naturally his marks dropped, just a little and not enough to worry his teachers, but it deflated his confidence, and it has been a slow and heart wrenching journey watching him beat himself up and claw his way back. He always had our full support and positive encouragement, but in the end only he could work himself through this ordeal. He is slowly gaining back trust in himself and showing signs of our "old boy" again, its been a tough old year.
With continuous support from us, his family and the fantastic teachers, I have complete faith that he will get the results that he so desires, the results that he has been working so hard to achieve.
So good luck my sweet boy, your school journey is almost at its end, and the next stage of your life about to begin. Know that you have made us so very proud, and that when, and not if, you get the results you are aiming for, that mums tears really are tears of joy and that I am so proud to be your mum and to have traveled this tough journey along with you xx
14 Aug 2012
Are your kids safe ? Do you know where they are ?
Parenting is far from easy, and everyone has an opinion on how best to parent. I don't think anyone has ALL the answers, and with so much information out there, it can become mighty confusing.
My question for you today :
Are your kids safe ? and how often, do you really know where they are ?
It's hard to keep track of kids, especially teens. I must admit, that since my boys have reached their teen years, my ears seem to pick up on more of the horror stories that appear in the news, and lately there seems to be a string of teens making these headlines, that have had some devastating endings. There are teens going missing, getting stabbed or doing the stabbing. Being bashed and becoming heavily involved in "gang" robberies. It breaks my heart to hear of these cases and unfortunately the first thing that comes to my mind is, Do these kids parents know where they are, and who they are with ?
I don't believe that any parent knows exactly where their kids are every second of the day, and frankly I don't think its humanly possible, I do believe however that there are a few ways to at least try, by getting to know your teen.
Try to keep the communication lines open, this is crucial when parenting and is ever so important when your child becomes a teen. Listen to them, and in return, you may find that they will take the time to listen to your concerns. Show them respect, yes it works both ways and helps to keep a strong bond with your child. Get to know their friends and never hesitate to let them "hang out" at your place, and although it can be hard sometimes, try to keep an open mind, then maybe, just maybe, keeping an eye on our kids and knowing where they are and what they are up to, may become just that little bit easier.
My question for you today :
Are your kids safe ? and how often, do you really know where they are ?
It's hard to keep track of kids, especially teens. I must admit, that since my boys have reached their teen years, my ears seem to pick up on more of the horror stories that appear in the news, and lately there seems to be a string of teens making these headlines, that have had some devastating endings. There are teens going missing, getting stabbed or doing the stabbing. Being bashed and becoming heavily involved in "gang" robberies. It breaks my heart to hear of these cases and unfortunately the first thing that comes to my mind is, Do these kids parents know where they are, and who they are with ?
I don't believe that any parent knows exactly where their kids are every second of the day, and frankly I don't think its humanly possible, I do believe however that there are a few ways to at least try, by getting to know your teen.
Try to keep the communication lines open, this is crucial when parenting and is ever so important when your child becomes a teen. Listen to them, and in return, you may find that they will take the time to listen to your concerns. Show them respect, yes it works both ways and helps to keep a strong bond with your child. Get to know their friends and never hesitate to let them "hang out" at your place, and although it can be hard sometimes, try to keep an open mind, then maybe, just maybe, keeping an eye on our kids and knowing where they are and what they are up to, may become just that little bit easier.
13 Aug 2012
Sunshine and Strawberries
Taking time out from a busy schedule is necessary, to relax, blow the cobwebs from your mind and to spend time with your family. It is something everyone needs do more often. Over the years, we, like many others I'm sure, have sometimes lost track of whats important. Busy at work, with everyday life and striving to survive a hectic lifestyle left our family life of fun and togetherness a distant memory. But with hubbies change of job, and a few family issues that occurred, we took a step back and realised what we were missing out on with our boys. After really examining what path our family had headed down, we have made a tremendous effort to turn things around, to enjoy life's simple pleasures, and most importantly to spend more time as a family enjoying life together. After all, the boys are growing up fast, and we don't want to look back with a should have, could have memory. So lately we have been trying our best to leave behind things that NEED doing and turning our attention to more family time.
Not long ago we took the boys strawberry picking at a local organic farm that produces fruit for the local supermarkets but also opens up to the public, letting them loose to pick and indulge on the gorgeous fruit YUM!! and yes we did our fair share of both (mostly eating I would say) we had a fabulous time, what could be better then family time out in the sunshine, and fresh air.
I think the boys favourite part was being allowed to eat as mush fruit as they could. My favourite part was watching the interaction between the boys and their dad. After many years of having only mum around for the most part, (due to hubbies work) it brings joy to my heart seeing the deep connection my boys are finally getting to share.
11 Aug 2012
Safe and Sound
This week my youngest boy has been away at music camp. He was so excited to be selected to go, and when my kids are happy and doing things that they love, I find their excitement contagious, but lets face it, I am a big sook and like all my chicks under my roof knowing where they are, knowing they are safe. I am not the type of mother who would wrap my kids in cotton wool and stop them from living life and having new experiences, but I am not ashamed to admit that I miss them when they are absent from the fold.
So this morning I woke with a smile knowing that he was coming home and that I would be able to give him a big squishy hug and get to see the performance of all that they had learnt whilst at camp.
Sadly this was not the case.....
Let me make it clear that our bus load of children are all ok and were not involved.
But sadly fate stepped in and there was a fatal accident on the highway that claimed the lives of a family of four and left a toddler fighting for his life. Such a tragic loss, a heartbreaking moment in time. My deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of these loved ones lost and hope that they can come together in their grief to comfort each other in this time of need. How do you cope with such tragedy ? I don't know that I could.
As this tragic accident caused such chaos on the road, it bought all traffic to a stand still. Our bus load of 12 year olds were amongst those unable to continue there journey home, and instead of being home within 2 hours, their trip turned into a staggering 11 hour stand still, unable to get home until the roads were cleared.
As the school had contacted me, I knew that my boy was safe and was being looked after, but at the same time being a mother separated from her child, I was still concerned and stayed by the phone eagerly waiting for any information.
Finally the call came and they were on their way. I can't begin to tell you how anxious I was sitting at the school waiting for that first glimpse of the bus, my nerves were shot, my heart racing, and as the bus finally turned the corner at 8.15pm parents sprung from their cars happy to at last have their babies home, safe and sound.
So this morning I woke with a smile knowing that he was coming home and that I would be able to give him a big squishy hug and get to see the performance of all that they had learnt whilst at camp.
Sadly this was not the case.....
Let me make it clear that our bus load of children are all ok and were not involved.
But sadly fate stepped in and there was a fatal accident on the highway that claimed the lives of a family of four and left a toddler fighting for his life. Such a tragic loss, a heartbreaking moment in time. My deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of these loved ones lost and hope that they can come together in their grief to comfort each other in this time of need. How do you cope with such tragedy ? I don't know that I could.
As this tragic accident caused such chaos on the road, it bought all traffic to a stand still. Our bus load of 12 year olds were amongst those unable to continue there journey home, and instead of being home within 2 hours, their trip turned into a staggering 11 hour stand still, unable to get home until the roads were cleared.
As the school had contacted me, I knew that my boy was safe and was being looked after, but at the same time being a mother separated from her child, I was still concerned and stayed by the phone eagerly waiting for any information.
Finally the call came and they were on their way. I can't begin to tell you how anxious I was sitting at the school waiting for that first glimpse of the bus, my nerves were shot, my heart racing, and as the bus finally turned the corner at 8.15pm parents sprung from their cars happy to at last have their babies home, safe and sound.
9 Aug 2012
I need a "homework fairy"
As mum to four crazy, wonderful boys, my goal has always been that they do well in all aspects of their lives. To feel loved and secure, to be happy and fulfilled, to have a childhood to cherish and to be surrounded by great friends.To grow and be respectable and honest and to always strive to do the very best that they can in school.
In everyone's journey through life, there are always ups and downs, heartache and struggle and times when you would rather be doing something else than what is required. I have always tried to get the boys to see just how important an education is, and to encourage a love of learning, it is the basis for their future after all. I realise that not everyone can be a "top student" and go on to conquer the world, but I do ask that they give it their all, try their best and achieve to the best of their ability. As long as this is evident, then mums happy.
The one area that does produce debate in our home is HOMEWORK. It has always been the cause of struggle and after school tension in our house. Activities with friends, sport and game stations (and of course afternoon tea) are high on the boys priority list, and if left to them I am sure that homework would not even appear to be a thought. Don't get me wrong, the boys all achieve grades to be proud of, but imagine what they could do with a little more time and effort.....
This is where parents come into the equation, where we become the "bad guys" putting our foot down, being the responsible ones, it is our duty after all, but at times it comes at a price. Fights, tantrums, yelling, tears a headache for mum and or dad, and the "silent treatment" from the kids.
*Sigh* you would think that I would have it all worked out by now, but alas, I don't. Maybe one day a "homework fairy" will give me the parenting tools I need to make homework a breeze and my afternoons pleasant.
Does anyone else struggle with homework ??
I would really love to hear how you cope.
In everyone's journey through life, there are always ups and downs, heartache and struggle and times when you would rather be doing something else than what is required. I have always tried to get the boys to see just how important an education is, and to encourage a love of learning, it is the basis for their future after all. I realise that not everyone can be a "top student" and go on to conquer the world, but I do ask that they give it their all, try their best and achieve to the best of their ability. As long as this is evident, then mums happy.
The one area that does produce debate in our home is HOMEWORK. It has always been the cause of struggle and after school tension in our house. Activities with friends, sport and game stations (and of course afternoon tea) are high on the boys priority list, and if left to them I am sure that homework would not even appear to be a thought. Don't get me wrong, the boys all achieve grades to be proud of, but imagine what they could do with a little more time and effort.....
This is where parents come into the equation, where we become the "bad guys" putting our foot down, being the responsible ones, it is our duty after all, but at times it comes at a price. Fights, tantrums, yelling, tears a headache for mum and or dad, and the "silent treatment" from the kids.
*Sigh* you would think that I would have it all worked out by now, but alas, I don't. Maybe one day a "homework fairy" will give me the parenting tools I need to make homework a breeze and my afternoons pleasant.
Does anyone else struggle with homework ??
I would really love to hear how you cope.
6 Aug 2012
A Weekend of Fun, Family Bonding and Gem Fossicking
WOW ! what a fun filled, jam packed weekend we had.
Leaving an hour behind schedule (yes, mum slept in) we packed up and headed West to explore the Central QLD Gem Fields, the tiny towns of Sapphire and Ruby Vale and to try our luck at fossicking.
The experience was amazing.
Driving through the tiny mine towns, there was so much to see and take in. The living quarters of the miners dotted the country side sparsely, the small hut like buildings are called "billy boulders". The local wildlife are curious and not shy, showing themselves regularly to the tourists, and of course there are many gem shops to visit, all boasting beautiful jewelry and souvenirs made from gems mined in the local area, so many pretty things it was hard to leave them all behind. And to make for a comfortable, pleasant visit there is a wide range of restaurants, cafes and hotels all run by extremely hospitable locals with many a tale to tell.
We took two guided tours of walk-in underground mines, going down as deep as 52 feet in one (that took a bit of courage, for me anyway). We went fossicking at three different gem parks, where we were lucky enough to find about 40 sapphire chips and 2 stones that are large enough to get cut and polished !! Guess who will be getting a new pair of earrings made :) We also took the boys on a 4 wheel-drive tour of the designated areas that are open for the public to actually try their luck at mining, for this you do need a permit, but as the permit is only $10 per family for a months worth of mining, it makes for a very cheap, fun filled experience.
The boys had a wonderful time "going bush" and leaving behind their computer games and comfort to experience something new, it was a great family weekend, talking, bonding and exploring. At the end of our two day trip, we were dirty and tired, but relaxed and happy, with all of us left wanting more.......
It was definitely a trip worth taking. We will be going back, next time to camp and try our luck at mining. Who knows we may even strike it rich. :)
Leaving an hour behind schedule (yes, mum slept in) we packed up and headed West to explore the Central QLD Gem Fields, the tiny towns of Sapphire and Ruby Vale and to try our luck at fossicking.
The experience was amazing.
Driving through the tiny mine towns, there was so much to see and take in. The living quarters of the miners dotted the country side sparsely, the small hut like buildings are called "billy boulders". The local wildlife are curious and not shy, showing themselves regularly to the tourists, and of course there are many gem shops to visit, all boasting beautiful jewelry and souvenirs made from gems mined in the local area, so many pretty things it was hard to leave them all behind. And to make for a comfortable, pleasant visit there is a wide range of restaurants, cafes and hotels all run by extremely hospitable locals with many a tale to tell.
We took two guided tours of walk-in underground mines, going down as deep as 52 feet in one (that took a bit of courage, for me anyway). We went fossicking at three different gem parks, where we were lucky enough to find about 40 sapphire chips and 2 stones that are large enough to get cut and polished !! Guess who will be getting a new pair of earrings made :) We also took the boys on a 4 wheel-drive tour of the designated areas that are open for the public to actually try their luck at mining, for this you do need a permit, but as the permit is only $10 per family for a months worth of mining, it makes for a very cheap, fun filled experience.
The boys had a wonderful time "going bush" and leaving behind their computer games and comfort to experience something new, it was a great family weekend, talking, bonding and exploring. At the end of our two day trip, we were dirty and tired, but relaxed and happy, with all of us left wanting more.......
Sunrise |
Ruby the cockatoo |
Underground mine tour |
Bush Wattle |
3 Aug 2012
Weekend Adventure
We are packing our bags and heading off for the weekend. We are off to explore, looking for an adventure.
We have decided to go and explore the Central QLD Gem Fields. The tiny towns of Sapphire and Ruby Vale, are where we are headed for two days of gem fossicking and family fun with our younger two sons. ( the older two are working ). The boys are excited, a weekend away is always fun. They cant wait to explore and are hoping beyond hope that they actually find themselves a gem or two.
As the weather is quite cold at the moment, we have decided against camping ( mum is a sook ) and have instead booked ourselves into a cabin for our stay. We will however be checking out all the camping grounds for later in the year when the weather warms up.
I am unsure at this stage whether or not there will be sufficient phone service for tweeting, ( oh my, will I survive )??? however I will be taking lots of photos and promise to share our adventure here on craftypjmum on our return.
We have decided to go and explore the Central QLD Gem Fields. The tiny towns of Sapphire and Ruby Vale, are where we are headed for two days of gem fossicking and family fun with our younger two sons. ( the older two are working ). The boys are excited, a weekend away is always fun. They cant wait to explore and are hoping beyond hope that they actually find themselves a gem or two.
As the weather is quite cold at the moment, we have decided against camping ( mum is a sook ) and have instead booked ourselves into a cabin for our stay. We will however be checking out all the camping grounds for later in the year when the weather warms up.
I am unsure at this stage whether or not there will be sufficient phone service for tweeting, ( oh my, will I survive )??? however I will be taking lots of photos and promise to share our adventure here on craftypjmum on our return.
2 Aug 2012
Taking A Risk
I think I've gone a little mad !!
I'm leaving my husband, I'm leaving the kids. I'll be packing my bags and heading South on my own .......
It all started about a year ago on Twitter, where I met my co - conspirator Jules ( I mentioned this awesome lady in an earlier post ) ... It is with no doubt that I am able to say, that Jules has given me the courage to step out of my 'comfort zone' and / or maybe led me down the 'garden path' !!! :)
With much encouragement from her and A LOT of help I dared to start blogging, and so here we are !!
Now I have done something really outrageous for me, and I'm still shaking with nerves....I purchased my very first ticket to a blogging conference !! I am off to DPCON13.
My first reaction was OH MY what have I got myself into ? I'm a little scared to be honest, after all, craftypjmum is only a few weeks old, so to say I am feeling quite out of my league is an understatement.
I'm heading off into the unknown, I'm taking a risk, I think I'm in for quite an adventure. And maybe a little bit of fun and mischief ...
I'm leaving my husband, I'm leaving the kids. I'll be packing my bags and heading South on my own .......
It all started about a year ago on Twitter, where I met my co - conspirator Jules ( I mentioned this awesome lady in an earlier post ) ... It is with no doubt that I am able to say, that Jules has given me the courage to step out of my 'comfort zone' and / or maybe led me down the 'garden path' !!! :)
With much encouragement from her and A LOT of help I dared to start blogging, and so here we are !!
Now I have done something really outrageous for me, and I'm still shaking with nerves....I purchased my very first ticket to a blogging conference !! I am off to DPCON13.
My first reaction was OH MY what have I got myself into ? I'm a little scared to be honest, after all, craftypjmum is only a few weeks old, so to say I am feeling quite out of my league is an understatement.
I'm heading off into the unknown, I'm taking a risk, I think I'm in for quite an adventure. And maybe a little bit of fun and mischief ...
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