9 Apr 2013

Keep Ya Gear On !

Yes you read right......

Am I a prood in thinking that people should keep their "personal" bits and bobs kept under wraps in public, and not let themselves "dangle" in the evening breeze for all to see ? 

Imagine this......
My 19 year old is a shift worker, and on his return home on Saturday night, he got the shock of his life when he 'tried' to pull his car into our driveway.

Three people were casually sitting in the gutter of our home, seemingly minding their own business and having a leisurely chat among themselves. Not unusual you would think, except for the fact that when they stood up to move out of my sons way and allow him to drive into our yard, they gave him a lot more to see then he bargained for !

They were completely starkers !                               
Can you believe it ? 

My sons face when he finally made it into our front door was priceless, his retelling of what had just happened, had everyone who was still awake roaring with laughter. 

I don't exactly know what they thought they were doing having a naked "moon bake" on my front lawn, and frankly I prefer not knowing the details. 
The only explanation we could come up with, was they were stragglers from a 'party' that had been happening a few doors up the road from us. 

It's quite funny really, I mean seeing my sons reaction to his 'welcome home' gave me a chuckle. All I am thankful for is that it wasn't one of my other teens who would have had it immediately splashed all over face book to give their mates a giggle at it to..........

Linking up with the lovely Jess for a giggle or two 
{all my clothes were worn while writing and linking this post}


  1. LOL! What a shock that would have been! I'm not quite sure what I'd have done if it had been me coming home to that sight! Thank you for sharing and giving us a laugh! And all my clothes are on while sitting here reading, too! -Aroha (#teamIBOT)

    1. LOL glad that I could give you a giggle :)

  2. Lol omg what a shock that would have been. Glad someone kept their clothes on for something ;)

    1. I'm actually glad that it wasn't me in the car ! I most likely would have run into something with the shock lol

  3. I so would have gone outside and asked them WTF?!! Ha ha.

    1. Hehehe I was to chicken and besides I was doubled over in laughter :)

  4. How funny - thanks for the laugh (sitting here totally clothed reading and laughing !!!!)
    Have the best day !
    #IBOT visitor

    1. So glad you decided to read the IBOT posts clothed LOL Glad I was able to give you a giggle x

  5. Oh that is classic! I confess if it was me, I would be tempted to splash it all over Facebook, cause when does that opportunity ever really present itself? ;)

    1. Jess I think my son did splash it all over his face book buy I am not sure :) thank goodness it wasn't me driving !! Instagram would never have been the same LOL

  6. OMG! That's really really strange. Lol, your poor son.



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