31 Mar 2015
This year is flying by !
Can you believe tomorrow is April and Easter is upon us once again ?
I mean wasn't it just Christmas a little while ago ?
I love an excuse to celebrate. Family, food, wine, decorations. Any excuse really to spend time with my family. To love, laugh, share and create memories.
My boys are "too old" for the Easter bunny these days, but that doesn't stop me from waiting until they are fast asleep before putting out their Easter eggs.
I'm still a kid at heart and they WILL play along !
I don't usually decorate for Easter, but since the Easter Sunday meal is being held at my place this year, I thought why not make a little something.
You will need-
*A plastic or Styrofoam egg
*Glitter glue
*Small pom pom
*Hot glue gun
Wrap the wool around the plastic egg using the glue gun to keep in place.
Once fully covered and you have a shape that you like, cut bunny ears out of the felt and using the chalk, rub a little colour to show some definition to the ears. Glue in place.
Next, I used little pieces of hessian to make whiskers and glued these along with a tiny pom pom in place for a nose.
Finally, add a touch of sparkle using glitter glue for the eyes.
They are nothing flash, just something easy and cute to put together for your Easter celebration. An activity you could do with the kids.
Hopping over to Essentially Jess to share my Yarn Bunnies :)
beck xx
30 Mar 2015
MONDAY MUNCHIES Easter edition
One week to go until the bunny arrives. Chocolate goodies will be consumed in abundance and tummy aches will unite those of all ages. My kids may be well and truly over believing in the Easter bunny, but that doesn't stop them indulging.
Today I am sharing an Easter slice that's ooey, gooey and full of chocolaty goodness. It is easy to make and ever so moreish you will want to make it again and again.
*200g plain chocolate biscuits
*80g melted butter
*400g milk chocolate melts
*300ml thickened cream
*2 pkts cadbury caramello easter eggs (or falvour of your choice)
Grease a slice pan and line with baking paper, allowing the sides to overlap.
Process the biscuits until finely crushed. Add the melted butter and process till well combined. Press firmly over the base of slice pan. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill.
Stir the chocolate and cream in a saucepan over low heat until melted, smooth and glossy. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool slightly.
Spread half the mixture over the biscuit base. Next, arrange the easter eggs over the chocolate, then drizzle the rest of the chocolate mix over the eggs to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to set.
Once set, cut into slice and enjoy.
beck xx
27 Mar 2015
Thank goodness it's Friday. I never thought we would ever reach it.
My sleep pattern has been all over the place this last week. Falling to sleep earlier at night, waking very early in the morning still feeling exhausted, my mind swimming with all I must get on with but no energy to put my feet to the floor.
Its only March, the first term of school is only just coming to an end, yet I feel as though we have been on an exhausting journey with still no end in sight. If we can only just get throgh this last week of school, we can relax for a couple of weeks and put routine aside. For a little while at least .I can't wait.
But first we must see son number three through his first lot of grade twelve exams. Hold me !
It's been a mighty sad week on the news front. More sad news flashing across our TV screens, a school friend being diagnosed with an awful disease, and two major accidents not far from our home. News like this makes you want to hold your loved ones close and never let them go ever again.
It's still stinking hot and humid here (that's what is making me very lethargic I think) According to our local weather man, we can expect it to get worse before it gets better. I'm hanging out for a change of season this year, I can't remember the weather ever taking such a toll on me. I must be getting to old and cranky to deal with this constant heat. Thank goodness for air conditioning.
On a brighter note, this cheeky little girl has brought us so much joy. She loves snuggles and is never far from my side. She has the best personality and has quickly settled into our family. She is my substitute baby ☺️
I brightened our home with flowers this week to bring a little happiness to our hearts and hall. There is nothing better then a freshly cut bouquet.
Im really happy with my blog so far this year. It really seems to be picking up. I've been paying a lot more attention to it (I know that helps) and I'm starting to see the benefits. Thank you to everyone of you who pop by to say hello, I really appreciate the support.
So as the weekend approaches, hold your loved ones close. Take time out to relax, and have the best
weekend possible.
Linking up this Friday for another week of FYBF with the lovely Grace of With Some Grace
25 Mar 2015
I don't know what I expected to happen last September when I turned forty, I mean it's all a crock
Forty is the "new" thirty. You will "find" yourself when you reach forty.
Blah blah blah !
Frankly I feel no different at forty then I did at twenty or thirty, although my body betrays these feelings in a big way. And as far as finding myself, I must truly be lost because I have been searching and searching for "myself" and yet their are still wanted posters tattered and torn on every telegraph pole.
So now that I am this miraculous age, wasn't I meant to have it all figured out by now ?
Surely there is something wonderful looming in front of me, isn't there ?
What does come next ?
I have been trying to figure this out, what the next chapter will bring. But I keep coming up empty handed. Surely there is more to come, some wow, some excitement, a big BANG !
But what ?
Life is far from perfect, reminders of time passing do not make me happy, I am far from ready to put my feet up and watch the world pass by without participating, and now that I am here, on the "other side" I can see that there are many more years ahead to make memories and still a lot of time left for the big BANG to happen.
So while I am waiting for my next adventure, forty is being content that my children still need me, that I am lucky to be walking hand in hand along life's path with the love of my life, that even though I am busy with barely time to stop and breathe I am happy, and frankly even though I am waiting for something exciting to happen, I am perfectly content to continue plodding along just as I am.
So this is forty, continuing on as I am, being a wife, a mother, a home maker. I still haven't found "me" my wanted posters are still hanging, torn, tattered and mostly unread, but I am here, I am waiting and I am ready for the now what.
23 Mar 2015
MONDAY MUNCHIES - Slow Cooker Cheese & Bacon Buns
Afternoon tea is hair pulling, face scrunching and a major headache for us here. Nothing I suggest is good enough, tasty enough or quick enough for my boys. Fruit, although we always have plenty is not their first choice even with lots of encouragement. Its sandwiches that are their pick, and although this sits well with me, they are not very helpful with the clean up of their "gourmet" choices because they have better things to do !
So I now provide them with an afternoon snack that is sandwich like, no mess, can be eaten on the run and keep the hungry teenagers happy.
*4 cups self raising flour
*2 tsp dry yeast
*2 tsp Italian season
*1tbs crushed garlic
*2 cups water
*Grated cheese
*Diced bacon
Mix the flour, yeast, seasoning, garlic and water in a large bowel until it forms a sticky dough. Turn out onto a floured surface and kneed, adding a little more flour until dough is smooth and the sticky feeling is almost gone.
Break up the dough and roll into eight to ten small rolls.
Spray your slow cooker with oil and add the rolls making sure they are fitted in nice and firm. Top the rolls with grated cheese and diced bacon (to your liking).
Cook on high for two hours with a tea towel under the lid to stop moisture from touching the rolls as cooking.
Once cooked the rolls can be broken apart easily and enjoyed on their own or with filling of your
beck xx
19 Mar 2015
I'm still finding it hard to believe that this year my third son is in grade twelve. This is the third time that we will watch one of our sons struggle with the pressures of study and exams and watch as their schooling years come to an end and they prepare to enter the 'real world'.
But grade twelve is not all doom and gloom. There are many fun activities to counteract the difficult times, and last week the first of many opportunities for those studying to let their hair down and let loose occurred.
It began with "Pi Day" an annual celebration of the mathematical constant. Pi day is observed on March 14th who knew ? and this year the grade twelves celebrated by dressing up as "nerds" and solving mathematical problems. I think the most fun was had by dressing up.
The main highlight of term one though is the annual grade twelve "Mocktail Ball". Held at the Entertainment Center, it is opened to all students currently studying grade twelve in Mackay. A semi formal night which allows the students to have fun and mingle with others that are also under the same pressures as them.
My son had a blast at Mocktail, the night went off without a hitch and all the kids enjoyed letting loose before getting down to the serious side of exams.
I'm so proud of my boy, and even if I do say so myself, I think he looked absolutely handsome.
beck xx
17 Mar 2015
I think we are headed down the road of chaos at the moment. Things are starting to ramp up here.
Today was one of those mornings when I would have preferred to stay in bed. Its getting to the sticky end of term for my teens. Exams looming, major assignments due, and along with this, comes the lack of enthusiasm from us all. I can't wait for term one to be over. It feels like an eternity since the Summer break.
We have had a little rain, not much but enough to notice the garden is singing with joy. Hopefully we will get a bit more with cyclone Nathan hanging around the north Queensland coast, enough to give the ground a good soaking before I start planning and planting my new garden. I love my flowers. I'm heading to Masters on the weekend to stock up on some new beauties. We are also in the market for some paint sample pots, the time has come to repaint this house of mine, one of the final steps to finishing a renovation that took a lot longer then we hoped. The end is in sight (indoors anyway) and I couldn't be more excited.
Talking about renovations, I was stoked to see the ads for House Rules hit TV screens this week. Let's just hope they don't give me to many ideas to change things around (sorry in advance Dan)
Have you been watching MKR ? I am addicted. I don't understand why each season on just about every reality show, someone has to be nasty. This season on MKR it's Kat from Perth, and if my twitter feed is anything to go by, I am not the only one who thinks she and her partner should have gone home.
I'm sitting here, soaking up the quietness of the house, lately a day to myself is rare. Someone is always floating around taking away my time to get things done. I have a list as long as my arm to achieve this week and I guess now is the perfect time to get a head start. Here's to a great week.
Linking up with Essentially Jess for another week of IBOT
beck xx
16 Mar 2015
MONDAY MUNCHIES - Slow Cooker Garlic Potatoes
Love potatoes ? We do, but peeling them can be annoying, that is why unless I am serving them mashed I leave the skin on. Lazy ? I prefer practical and time saving. Garlic is another ingredient I use often, as in almost every meal, so it makes sense to combine the two. Yum !
*potatoes, skin on and quartered
*crushed garlic
Line your slow cooker with foil. Add potatoes and dollop butter on top (use as much or as little as you like) add crushed garlic. I used six cloves, and sprinkle rosemary over the top.
Place on your lid and cook on slow for about five hours stirring occasionally to mix through butter and garlic.
Easy and delicious, it is a yummy side dish to any meal.
beck xx
10 Mar 2015
We hit the road last week for a teen free, three day getaway. Our first for 2015. I had no idea initially. Hubby organised the trip for us to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Once I found out though, I was raring to go. Bags packed and house and teens whipped into shape in record time.
We were not going very far, which was just fine with me because NO teens !
It's been a little while between getaways for us, and I was so ready to jump in the car, and head on up into the glorious Mackay highlands. Eungella national Park.
The perfect place to unwind, relax, to leave the everyday behind, and celebrate twenty one years of marriage.
Our cabin was the perfect escape. A beautiful view as far as the eye could see, no where to be and no one to bother us. The silence was breath taking.
We were not going very far, which was just fine with me because NO teens !
It's been a little while between getaways for us, and I was so ready to jump in the car, and head on up into the glorious Mackay highlands. Eungella national Park.
The perfect place to unwind, relax, to leave the everyday behind, and celebrate twenty one years of marriage.
Our cabin was the perfect escape. A beautiful view as far as the eye could see, no where to be and no one to bother us. The silence was breath taking.
The sun rise was spectacular. The perfect start to the day.
The cabin was just the cutest.
The cooler weather was welcomed with open arms
We had our anniversary dinner at this charming little place called Possums Table
The food was delicious and the service was wonderful. We couldn't have asked for more.
We had a fabulous time celebrating twenty one years of marriage.
Our next trip will be a HUGE one, we are currently in the throws of planning our first overseas trip. Its something we have been dreaming of for a long time now, and it looks as though this time it may just happen.
Linking up with Jess of Essentially Jess for this weeks IBOT
beck xx
9 Mar 2015
MONDAY MUNCHIES - Banana Muffins
I have a freezer full of over ripe bananas. We seem to have fads with this fruit, eating enormous amounts of them one minute, and leaving them to 'go bad' the next. At least there are multiple uses for bananas before and after they over ripen.
Our favourite go to is banana muffins. Great for a snack and perfect for the lunch box.
*3 large bananas mashed
*1 cup of sugar
*1 egg
*2 tbs butter
*2 cups self raising flour
*2 tbs milk
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease muffin tin.
Beat eggs and banana together, then add all other ingredients until thoroughly mixed.
Spoon mixture into prepared muffin tin and bake for approximately 20 minutes until cooked and golden.
A really simple but delicious recipe that gets made on a regular basis around here.
I hope you enjoy.
beck xx
2 Mar 2015
Sometimes I get board of plain old meat and three veg. Most weekends I try to cook things a little more exciting, but choose things that don't take too long to prepare.
Fritters are my go to side when it's the end of the month before payday, and the fridge is almost bare. I love them and also enjoy them cold right from the fridge. They are also a hit with the teens.
*1 1/2 cups of self raising flour
*1 cup of milk
*2 eggs
*2 cups of frozen corn kernels
*1/2 tsp of chilli powder (optional)
*Salt and pepper to taste
*Olive oil for shallow frying
Sift flour into a large bowel, seasoning with salt, pepper and chilli powder.
In a jug, whisk the milk and eggs together until combined.
Pour over flour and stir until smooth.
Add the corn and stir well to combine.
Add enough oil to cover the bottom of a non stick frying pan. Heat over medium heat until hot.
Using 1/4 cup of mixture per fritter, gently pour the mixture into the oil and cook for about three minutes on each side until golden and firm to touch.
Serve as a side dish or on their own with a relish sauce or tzatziki dip.
beck xx
1 Mar 2015
I read Still Alice this week. This book conjured up so many emotions. Lisa Genova's book is about a young woman of fifty being diagnosed with early on set Alzheimer's disease. As Alice looses her ability to remember things, and to rely on herself, she starts to question who she really is.
Still Alice is a book that takes you on a journey from the early stage of Alice's diagnoses through to how her family copes with what is happening to their beloved family member. I am so looking forward to watching Julianne Moore's Grammy winning performance in the movie very soon.
HOLY COW I won a prize....
I was beyond excited to find out that I was the winner of this gorgeous planter box from Down That Little Lanes Instagram competition. I cant wait to go to the nursery this week and pick out some beautiful herbs to plant.
How sweet is it ! It made up for the fact that this week it was just me and the kids at home as hubby had to work away. I do hate it when he is gone, but this year I am doing my best to accept that it is apart of his job again and there is little I can do about it.
I am going away for a few days this week, where I am going I have no idea. Its a surprise. Hubby has organised a short getaway for us for our wedding anniversary, and I cant wait to spend a few days with nothing to do but relax.
I hope everyone else had a great last week of Summer, and is ready to welcome some cooler weather into their days. I am envious of you if you live somewhere that experiences all of the seasons, please take lots of Autumn pics so I can pretend I am there with you.
beck xx
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