12 Jul 2013

Flashback Friday - Captured Memories

I still cant believe that one week ago today my first born son turned 20.....
How the years go by so quickly I will never understand, and it seems that the older I get, the faster they seem to fly. Sad but true !

Today for Flashback Friday I decided to share my three favorite photos taken of my son and I, at different stages of our lives together. These photos are just a few of many that I hold dear to my heart, and so many beautiful memories come flooding back, memories that I will cherish forever.

This first photo was taken the morning of his first and only trip to Australia's Wonderland. We spent so many hours going round and round on that Merry Go Round it was about the only ride acceptable for his age group that I think I may still be dizzy all these years later.
His laughter and excitement were infectious and still to this day I can hear his giggles as he screamed with delight......

This next one was taken at home. If I remember correctly, I think we may have been working on a school project together. Hubby had just purchased a new camera, and of course was snap happy. Although I look quite the tired mess, I cant help but love this photo.

Finally this last one was taken in his final year of school. We were headed out to a grade 12 graduation information night, and as usual I was teary and proud. I couldn't believe at the time that one of my sons was about to graduate since then I now have two graduates

To say that these photos bring back wonderful, warm, fuzzy memories is an understatement. I am so very thankful to Johann Zahn for inventing the camera (thanks google) Where would we honestly be if the humble old camera had never come about ????

Happily linking up and sharing some more wonderful memories with the beautiful Cathy for Flashback Friday :)

Happy Friday and have a safe and glorious Weekend


  1. Oh, they are gorgeous photos!! The story of the first one brought a tear to my eye - what a wonderful memory! There is definitely a strong resemblance between the two of you in the second and third photos. He looks like a wonderful young man! And yes, thank God for cameras so that we can capture moments in time :)

    1. My kids get so annoyed with me for taking so many photos : ) now that mobiles have such great cameras that are never safe lol

  2. Beautiful photos. You look SOOOO young in the first one, and so very proud in the other two. The other day someone said to me that raising children was at times a lot of pain and sacrifice for very little gain, but it's the love and pride that makes everything worth it. Great post.

    1. There is a lot of pain and sacrifice in raising children but the love and happiness out weigh the struggles.
      I was SO young in that first photo (19) my how old I feel now lol
      Happy Friday x

  3. What lovely photos !!! Isn't it good when you look back at photos and they bring back such a great memories !!!
    You look so happy in all of them and so young in the first one !!!
    Have the best weekend !

  4. I love sitting down going through all our photos, memories that bring both tears and laughter. I was very young in the first photo (19) my how the years go by !!! If only I could wind the clock back.
    Have a great weekend sweetie xx

  5. Great memories, and I so identify with the era as my son is 19 :-)

  6. I've always been told the mothers of sons have a special place in Heaven. Gee, I hope so!!

  7. My goodness, the first pic is so cute. What an adorable little boy. Can see the love in all the pics!



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