29 Mar 2016
You can almost guarantee that if something is going to go wrong it will happen while your husband is away. I've had my fair share of challenges over the years. Cyclone warnings, kids in hospital, leaky fish tanks and a car accident. All happening while my hubby was away for work. Lately we have had a good run as far as disasters go. I thought we had filled our quota and were due smooth sailing for a while.
I thought wrong...
Wednesday last week was about as normal and boring as a week day can be. Our evening progressed as normal, dinner, showers, TV. I headed to bed to read and the teens stayed up which is the norm when school is out. I turned my light out around 11.30 ready for sleep knowing that come the next day hubby would be back in town and all would return to normal.
That was not meant to be...
Drifting in and out of sleep I thought I was dreaming when my boy burst into my room yelling that the kitchen was flooding. It took me a minute to realise that it was actually happening and I sprung into action.
The kitchen was indeed flooding. Water was pouring out from under the sink and it was hot. While one teen helped me to turn the water off to the house, the other teen was piling up towels to prevent the water from going any further into the house. It was a disaster.
It turns out that the steal hose from the hot water tap had blown a hole. It had been perishing for a while without us knowing, and decided to blow in the middle of the night. Typical huh !!
Thankfully our Insurance company Suncorp is covering us. I cant thank them enough for the speedy service they provided. By the next afternoon we were surrounded by large fans and dehumidifiers to dry everything out and to prevent mould. Our beautiful wooden floors have been pulled up and the kitchen cabinets have to be replaced along with the dish washer. It is going to be a big job, but yet again I am ever so thankful that we are fully covered.
It turns out that its common for these new fangle tap pipes to burst, so please check your pipes regularly so that this doesn't happen to you.
beck xx
Linking up with Essentially Jess for this weeks IBOT
22 Mar 2016
I struggled last week. Struggled to enjoy and be engaged with life. Most mornings I would rather have stayed huddled under the bed covers catching up on the sleep that seems to be evading me of late and shutting the curtains on the day to day shenanigans that sum up my world. My body felt heavy, tired, and nonfunctional.
Loneliness and boredom is a big factor for how I was feeling. Lately I've noticed myself pulling back, closing myself off. I begun to feel completely detached, unable to fully function. I need something to fill the hole that is starting to open up in my life.
I decided to take time over the weekend to really think about what I wanted to do to shake off these negative feelings. As it turns out, having a house full of "artistic" teenage boys
I really need, want, would love to pick up a paint brush again, to return to what I truly feel inspired by. Its been way too long since I held a paint brush, way too long since I was covered in paint, way too long since I created something that was truly my own.
A while a go I purchased new paints and brushes, I brought them home full of happiness only for them to sit on a table for a week or so and then be placed into a box and out of sight. I think its time to bring them out again.
I miss being creative, and now that my boys are grown and no longer need me as much as I wished they did, it is time to jump head first into something that will help fill those empty hours.
I have been scouring Pinterest looking at all the beautiful art studios and creative spaces that people have to bring out their inner artist. There sure are some beautiful rooms out there, and since I now have a spare room, I am going to create a space of my very own and I cant wait to get started.
Linking up for IBOT with Essentially Jess
beck xx
21 Mar 2016
MONDAY MUNCHIES - Sweet Creamy Mustard Sauce
This sauce is worth bottling. I came across a similar one on the wonderful world of Pinterest, and decided to revamp and jazz it up a little. The result was delicious. I served it with Pork chops and veggies, but it would also be delicious with Chicken.
* 1 tablespoon of butter
* 1 large onion diced
* 2 cloves of minced garlic
* 1 tablespoon of dried mustard
* Salt and pepper to taste
* 2 cups of chicken stock
* 1 cup of cream
* 1 tablespoon cornflour
* 1/2 cup white wine
* 1 teaspoon dried basil
Spray a large pan with oil and brown the pork/chicken well on both sides. Remove from pan.
In the same pan, melt the butter and saute the onions and garlic for 2 minutes.
Add the chicken stock and wine and bring to a slow simmer. Stir in the salt, pepper and mustard combining well. Let the sauce simmer for a further 5 minutes.
Slowly add the cream stirring until mixed well.
To thicken the sauce, add a little to a small jug and whisk in the cornflour making a paste. Return to the pan and mix well.
Return the meat to the pan and coat well with the sauce, bringing it back to a slow simmer.
Serve with rice or with steamed veggies.
The sauce turned out so well that next time I may just have to double the quantity.
beck xx
9 Mar 2016
BOYS TO MEN - The fun & games of it all
Raising boys is not for the faint hearted, but it can be loads of fun. Being a mum of four sons has certainly had its challenges, but I wouldn't change it for all the tea in China.
Becoming a mother of boys changed me in ways I never could have imagined. I love being a "girly girl" and I didn't loose that by any means, but it certainly broadened my horizons.
In today's society, raising boys to be strong, independent young men is just as important as allowing them to be free to enjoy the experiences that being a boy is all about.
* Something that I have discovered from raising boys to men is that fart jokes are a never ending source of amusement. I have never met a boy/man that wasn't drawn to crack a fart joke or two. I am still unsure as to what the attraction actually is, but I have learnt that if you laugh with them instead of berating them, you will save yourself from making things worse in the long run.
Image source Pixabay |
* Their toilet use will always be a constant reminder of the difference between boys and girls. They leave the seat up all the time. Replacing the toilet roll is mission impossible, I am continually
How on earth do they constantly miss aim with a hole that big ?
* They constantly need refuelling. As a mother of boys, I have had to become a slave to the kitchen. Where on earth do they put all that they eat ? shovelling it in mouths faster then I can cook.
* Pull it, stretch it, use it as a hose or a light saber, what boy child isn't obsessed with their willy ? You must be okay with nudity and pee contests when your a mother of boys. After a while it becomes the norm, and no matter what you call it, willy, doodle or pee pee just to name a few, you will have "many" conversations over the years that include this part of their anatomy.
* Another thing that really gets me
So you see, raising boys to men is far from boring. Not only does it come with a whole lot of responsibilities, but a whole lot of mischief and fun as well.
In the beginning I was completely overwhelmed with the hand that I was dealt on the mother front. Dirt, craziness, doodles and wee, I had no clue what on earth I was going to do with it all.
But you know what....
I have had the time of my life.
beck xx
8 Mar 2016
Twenty two years married. The more I say it out loud, the longer it sounds. When we married way back in 1994, twenty two years was something so far in our future it seemed almost impossible to achieve.....
But look at us now.
A chosen "few" had doubts we would make it, that we wouldn't last the distance, that we were too young. And you know what we were young, but here we are twenty two years and four fantastic sons later. Still married, still happy and looking forward to the next twenty two years of wedded bliss.
True love
Stands by each other's
sides on good days
and stands even closer
on bad days
I love this quote. Nothing in marriage rings more true. It's a lot of work and not always a bed of roses. But true love can conquer the hardest of times if you just believe.
beck xx
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT
beck xx
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT
1 Mar 2016
TAKING STOCK - February 2016
Here we are. A brand new month, a brand new season. It's a time to reflect on the month that was, and to look forward to what will be.
I love new beginnings.
February, a day longer this year with it being a leap year, flew by. No sooner was it here then BOOM it was gone. And its time to take stock on the month that was...
MAKING time for a date night. It was eight months since the last one. We wont wait that long again.
COOKING biscuits for the first time in a long time.
DRINKING copious amounts of coffee, water and wine. Always wine : )
WANTING to book another holiday, but know at this time it is not possible.
PLAYING Alanis Morssette's Jagged Little Pill
DECIDING or rather trying to decide on paint colours. Why is this so hard ?
WISHING I was the lady that won the million dollar lotto on Valentines Day.
ENJOYING my family.
WAITING for two of my sons to get their licence so I can stop being their taxi.
WONDERING where my life is headed. I am at a cross roads and wanting something more,
LOVING that with only four of us at home now, my washing has almost halved.
PONDERING my next move in life.
CONSIDERING a return to work, and what I may like to do.
BUYING food. always food. Maybe I should work at a supermarket and ask to be paid in groceries.
WATCHING crap TV. Real Housewives is addictive you know.
NEEDING a whole day to myself. It has become very rare lately.
QUESTIONING myself and some of the choices I have made in life.
SMELLING the salty beach air of summer.
WEARING two dresses that I picked up for $18 over and over again. They are really cool shifts. Perfect for the Nth QLD humidity.
FOLLOWING some amazing accounts on Instagram. You should check out @Li-Chi Pan @kate.lives.here @thefreckledfox and @chykak gorgeous accounts.
NOTICING my knee stiffening up again, I really must get back to exercising.
ADMIRING as always how easy it is for some woman to get out there and achieve their dreams. Go you good things, you are all inspiring,
SORTING wardrobes. Yep, I'm still culling and sorting.
GETTING frustrated with my lack of motivation on making decisions.
DISLIKING this humidity that never seems to end.
FEELING like a big fat blob. Exercise woman.
SNACKING on ice blocks.
HEARING the call of the black cockatoos in our front tree, The rains are coming...
How was your February ?
Did you do something really exciting ? or were you just like me weighed down with the every day ?
I hope that March brings much happiness to you all.
Linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT,
beck xx
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