31 May 2017
MAY - Health and Fitness Update
Unfortunately May was not a good month as far as my health and fitness goes. I kind of fell off the wagon so to speak, things had been going so well too.
This month I had the best of intentions to walk everyday as was the task for May. I failed miserably. I got so caught up in giving my home a much needed clean from top to bottom that I let my walking slide and only went for a walk on the odd occasion.
It wasn't just this months challenge that I failed on either. My sleep pattern was shocking which led to poor food choices multiple times, I drank one to many coke zeros and not enough water, and I downed one to many glasses of wine which I had all but stopped drinking except on the odd occasion. All this made me feel quite sluggish and ashamed of myself since I had been doing so well.
The only up side was my weight didn't go up, how I don't know but for that I am very grateful.
June is the month of eating more fruit and vegetables. This one shouldn't be a problem at all as I enjoy eating quite a variety of both. I also want to make amends for May and make more of an effort to walk everyday, even if it is only around the block.
So as of tomorrow we are six months into the year. how did that happen ? It is quite frightening how fast the months are passing by. I guess on the scale of things I haven't done to badly with my health and fitness goals for 2017. I knew when I started that it was going to take more than a year to undo all the damage that I have done to myself, and although I wish that the weight would drop of at a much faster pace, I know that essentially I am on the right track and for that I am learning to be proud on myself and not beat myself up instead.
How are your health goals for the year going ?
Are you still on track or like me taken a wee step backwards ? I hope that if you have fallen slightly off the path that you haven't given up but kept on having faith in yourself and your ability to succeed no matter how long it takes.
beck xx
28 May 2017
Sunday, the day of the week that seems to fly by faster than any other. I have spent my morning in the kitchen whipping up baked goods for the dreaded week ahead. The usual culprits that help make morning and afternoon teas a little more enjoyable. An iced sponge, two dozen muffins and about one million of my grandmothers jam drops. Okay, maybe not one million but enough to make my families eyes bulge. They are easy and delicious so I thought that I would share the recipe with you in case like me you get the urge to bake.
Grandma's Jam Drops
250 grams soft butter
2/3 cup of caster sugar
1 tsp of vanilla essence
1 egg
2 1/4 cups of plain flour
Jam of your choice
In a large bowl, beat the sugar and butter until creamy and fluffy.
Add the egg and vanilla and beat until just mixed through.
Gently add the flour a little at a time and beat through until smooth.
Roll the mixture into small balls and place onto a greased tray.
Press the back of the spoon into the mixture to make a small indent into the biscuit and fill with jam of your choosing.
Bake at 150 degrees until slightly golden.
Cool on a wire rack then refrigerate.
These tasty cookies will go down well with every one in the family, and are also quick and easy to make when unexpected guests drop by.
beck xx
26 May 2017
DISCOVER YOUR NOOK - Grab my code for a fabulous discount
Love to shop for your home ? Then I have something for you....
Who doesn't love beautiful, good quality home wares and furniture. Shopping for my home is an addiction. I like my space to look pretty, feel homely and I love to change things up quite often so life doesn't get boring. Basically, my home is my sanctuary, where I am most happy.
My Instagram account is a virtual library of beautifully decorated homes. I just cant get enough, its like peeking into the windows of beautiful homes all over the world. Its inspiring and where I get most of ideas from.
Sometime ago I came across a fabulous business account that I just had to follow.
Discover Your Nook is a fabulous Sydney based business founded by the dynamic brother and sister duo Rebecca and Gibson Pham. Constantly left disappointed by having to choose from either the mass production of discount department stores, or the bespoke products that were expensive, the duo saw a gap in the market for on trend and sophisticated, yet affordable products. So together with their team they are here to help you Discover Your Nook.
I am excited to tell you that the team at DYN have generously welcomed me to their family and together we are offering YOU my readers and Instagram followers a fabulous 10% off their website.
How awesome is that !!!
Don't waste any time. Pop over to their site now www.discoveryournook.com.au and discover the piece/pieces to make your nook truly beautiful.
Just make sure that you use the code "BECK10" at check out.
This offer is valid until JUNE 30th 2017
Happy shopping, and please tag me in your post when your purchase has arrived in your hands.
beck xx
23 May 2017
Young adults are no longer children, but "adults in training" that are living at home and still under the "guidance" of their parents or guardians. It can be a difficult process nutting out and enforcing rules that are grown up enough to keep the "kids" happy but strict enough to give the parents peace of mind. and to keep the household running smoothly.
We are currently in the process of some major family changes which have us treading carefully in some areas to keep the peace but still ensure that expectations are being met by everyone.
Currently I am in the thick of what I believe to be the hardest stage of parenting yet. I wont tell you that having four boys under the age of six was easy because it wasn't. Nor am I going to tell you that I breezed through the terrible twos and teen years without incident because that would be telling a lie. But what I will tell you, is that every stage of parenting I have experienced to date has been a heck of a lot easier than dealing with four young adult men that are all head strong, independent and are all currently finding their feet in this crazy adult world.
Our two youngest boys are at that "I know everything" stage. At the ages of seventeen and nineteen they can be absolute
My eldest two sons have recently moved back home after living on their own for almost two years. A return to the family nest was not exactly what they wanted but was kind of forced upon them because of job losses and all the backlash that comes with being out of work. Naturally they were used to doing as they pleased without the worry of mum and dad sticking their two cents in, but with the return home that all changed.
Usually, I am a micromanaging freak. I like strict routine and order. More often than not, my ducks are in a row to scared to stray. But right now I am having a difficult time setting limits. I am worried that I am being too lenient, or if I am expecting too much from my sons. Its a fine line to be walking and I'm always afraid that I am not treading carefully enough.
Its a hard job this parenting gig, and up until a few years ago I thought that I was passing with flying colours. Now, I am not quite sure that I am meeting all the criteria of a good parent.
Am I ....
Guiding them in the right direction ?
Praising them enough for their efforts ?
Trusting the decisions that they are making ?
Expecting them to live the life that I want them to lead instead of the life they want ?
There is so much on the line when raising young adults. So much uncertainty on both sides. So much pressure to be the perfect parent or child.
While my control over my sons lives is waning, I know that they still need my support and guidance. It is just a matter of finding a balance between taking to much control and letting go completely.
Do you have any advice that can help me with this stage in my parenting journey ?
beck xx
Linking up for this weeks IBOT with Kylie from www.kyliepurtell.com
22 May 2017
Isaac my boy, today you are nineteen.
The past nineteen years have been a whirlwind. It seems like only yesterday that you were born, bringing so much joy and mischief into our family. When I first laid eyes on you I fell under your spell. You had me wrapped around your little finger from the very first moment you gazed into my eyes. I fell in love with you hard. Your big eyes, chubby cheeks and your determined personality, you had all the charm. And as the years have passed you have only wormed your way into my heart even more.
Never a day goes by that you don't bring a smile to my face, that I don't think about you without my heat bursting. Every single day since the day you were born you have added something amazing and crazy to my world. Having a son like you makes all the heartache and hard times that come with life all worthwhile. Everyday I thank God that we were blessed with you, that I was chosen to be your mother. I still can't to this very day imagine what our lives would be like without you.
Suddenly where a little boy used to be, a young man stands full of so much promise. Isaac you have given me so many reason to be proud, but none of them compares to when I tell others that you are my son.
Today, I wish you all the happiness in the world. That you open your arms and heart to all that life has to offer, and that you never give up on your dreams. The world is your oyster my boy. Live life to its fullest and never doubt your ability to succeed.
Happy birthday Zack Attack, may everything that you ever dreamed of become yours and that you face life head on with opened eyes and an opened heart.
Mum xx
16 May 2017
That's now twenty three Mother's Day celebrations under my belt.
Twenty three years of snuggles and sloppy kisses.
Twenty three years of my heart bursting with a love that I never really understood before I held my first babe in my arms.
Twenty three years of putting four little boys first and hoping that I have given them their every need.
From that first skin to skin contact my boys stole my heart. They wasted no time in wrapping me around their little fingers, looking at me with eyes so trusting and full of love. My heart was theirs, and it always will be.
I sensed a slight shift this Mothers Day, things are slowly beginning to change. I always knew there would come a time when the dynamics of family life would change, when the boys would be wrapped up in their own lives, not wanting to be constantly tied to family obligations. They are after all grown up now and lead very busy lives.
I was still showered with love, given many hugs and was lucky enough to be given some beautiful gifts. My morning was perfect, but once all the Mothers Day motions were over, we all went our own separate ways.
And you know what, I was just fine with it.
I have reached the point in mother hood when my kids are no longer at the age when the bribe of ice cream is good enough to keep them happy and willing to spend an entire day with me.
I remember my teenage and young adult years when it was a "big deal" to be forced into anything that I didn't want to do. When it was boring to visit the grandparents, or be dragged to the nursery so that mum could buy more plants and bags of potting mix.
Those days, well they have arrived, and I am willing to let it go. To allow my boys to make their own decisions. I know that they love me, I know that they care. Besides, I knew that my Mothers Day was not over as with the promise of pizza I knew that we would be back together in no time and would continue to celebrate over dinner.
And that is exactly what happened.
So as the years continue to fly by, and times continue to change. I am happy to take this ride that is mine at the moment, for I know that as more time goes by things will continue to evolve and come full circle and it will be my boys that will be in my shoes in the future.
I hope that all you beautiful mamma's out there had a fabulous day with your loved ones. I know that I did, and I hope that your every need was fulfilled. That your coffee was so strong the spoon stood up by itself and your toast was so burnt it resembled charcoal, but the love that you received was worth every slurp and bite and that you were game enough to take.
beck xx
Linking up with Kylie for IBOT
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