My heart is swimming in a river of emotion at the moment. My first born is preparing to leave the nest, next week to be exact. I have known for a while that it was coming, but even so, nothing can really prepare you for the day that your first born comes to you and says Mum, I'm moving out.
As I am writing, there is loud music coming from my sons room, this has always been a source of comfort to me. Depending on the type of music he is listening to, I can usually predict the kind of mood he is in. Call it mothers intuition......
I keep telling myself that this is what I have been preparing him throughout his life for, to be independent, to have a life full of happiness and adventure. That the last thing I wanted was for any of my kids to be sitting on my couch at age thirty watching the news with a TV dinner on their laps.
Right now I feel that maybe a few more weeks or months to get more use to the idea would be good, but somehow in reality I don't think that would help.
I am going to miss him like crazy.
I have so many memories held in my heart. We have walked this life together for twenty years, hand in hand. Where has the time gone ? To be truthful, I really don't know. It seems only yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time vowing to love, cherish and support you for as long as life would allow.
Things will certainly feel strange around here when you move next week, even though you are not moving very far away, there will still be a certain emptiness in our family that will take some getting use to.
Your three brothers are currently scheming and planning a room take over. Your younger two brothers are excited that for the first time ever, they will have rooms of their own, but deep down I know just how much they are all going to miss you. For their entire lives you have been there, just down the hall from them, a big brother that they all adore and trust with their whole hearts. They sure are going to feel your absence. Don't be surprised if they bombard you with texts and calls for the first few weeks :)
It has been hard watching you pack up your belongings, but I have faith that you will succeed out on your own. You are a responsible, hard working young man and we are so very proud of all that you have accomplished.
Just remember we are always here for you.......
Linking up with the gorgeous Grace for FYBF
Have a fabulous weekend everyone !
21 Mar 2014
19 Mar 2014
A Sucker For Succulents
I love gardens, plants, and pretty flowers. But I have this habit of not being able to successfully keep them indoors for very long without killing them.
Indoor plants bring love and warmth to a home, on and off over the years I have potted a few and tried to bring that warmth into my own home, but alas it was a lot of work for nothing.
I am death to all house plants, the green leaf grim reaper !
That is until recently.
It seems that I have finally found a plant that will work for me, a plant that I am sure I will be able to keep alive without much fuss.
The succulent
Succulents are some of the most rewarding plants for indoors, or so I'm told anyway. They are tough, a good requirement if they are to survive me. Beautiful, and interesting. And can grow just about anywhere.
So I am giving it a whirl and adding warmth to my home with a few simplelets not get carried away indoor succulent terrariums. They were very easy to make, and since I already had a few glass containers that were perfect in size, quite cheap to make as well.
For starters, you will need to get some potting mix suitable for succulents and cacti. Small rocks or pebbles. A bag of sphagnum moss. And your choice of container to display your succulents in. And of course some succulents.
Indoor plants bring love and warmth to a home, on and off over the years I have potted a few and tried to bring that warmth into my own home, but alas it was a lot of work for nothing.
I am death to all house plants, the green leaf grim reaper !
That is until recently.
It seems that I have finally found a plant that will work for me, a plant that I am sure I will be able to keep alive without much fuss.
The succulent
Succulents are some of the most rewarding plants for indoors, or so I'm told anyway. They are tough, a good requirement if they are to survive me. Beautiful, and interesting. And can grow just about anywhere.
So I am giving it a whirl and adding warmth to my home with a few simple
For starters, you will need to get some potting mix suitable for succulents and cacti. Small rocks or pebbles. A bag of sphagnum moss. And your choice of container to display your succulents in. And of course some succulents.
Here's how I out together my simple, yet charming displays
Place a 2 inch layer of gravel, stones or pebbles on the bottom of the container
this provides drainage
Next place a layer of cactus mix soil
Remove chosen plants form their pots shaking excess soil from the roots
place plant in soil in the position you have chosen
Top with a layer of sphagnum moss or sand
Care tips
Place your terrarium so that it gets direct sunlight
for at least five hours a day
Water the terrarium every two weeks
After watering there should not be more than 2 inches of water visible
in the gravel at the bottom
Fertilize in Summer only
Hopefully if I follow these direction and not forget the plants completely I will have thriving succulents that will last much longer than that of my past poor indoor plants {may they RIP} and I will be able to chalk up another success for myself .......
Here's hoping
beck xx
18 Mar 2014
Hair today, Gone tomorrow
Thousands of people showed just how big and brave they can be recently, when they joined in and shaved or coloured their hair for charity.
Over the four days between March 13-16 many took part in the event to raise much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation.
The World's Greatest Shave has raised millions of dollars over the years to help researchers find a cure for this terrible disease that affects so many.
This year the foundations goal was to raise $20,500,000
So far the count has reached a staggering $10,802,300 making them 53% of the way there.
With the funds still rolling in, it looks like the foundation will be smiling brightly with the efforts of many for yet another year.
This year, my son took part in the shave with some of his mates at work. As yet their final amount raised is still unknown (money is still to be collected and counted) but no matter how much was accumulated by these lads the point is they took part and helped contribute, showing that not all teens are self centred with unfavourable behaviour. More praise and encouragement needs to be given to our teens, there is so much focus on the negative, and not enough on the positive.
I am one very proud Mum.
All the organisation was done by the boys themselves, the only thing the parents took part in was helping out with the sausage sizzle.
The hardest part of course was getting my boy to stop and 'pose' for the before shot......I'm guessing that he knew that this blog post was to be written !
There was a lot of support in store. Many stopped work or shopping to watch and cheered them all on with loud clapping, whistling and cheering.
It was a whole lot of fun for a very good course.
There is still time to take part and help raise much needed funds. Thank you so much to everyone who has participated so far.....
I know that I am bias
After all, I am his mum
But my son, he looks handsome both with and without hair :)
beck xx
this was not a sponsored post, just a proud mum praising her son
Linking up with the ever fabulous Jess for IBOT
17 Mar 2014
DIY Cushion Love
Who doesn't love cushions ?
I think a couch covered in beautiful, stylish cushions brings colour and warmth to your home. But I must confess..........Up until now my lounge has been pretty naked !
I have had cushions over the years, but my boys have always used them as flying sauces, or as a tool for bashing each other (this still occurs) but I have had enough of seeing my couch in all its naked glory, its time to brighten the place up a bit.
I decided instead of spending hours searching for the 'right' cushions at the store, that I would pull the crafty card and make my own. This is still a work progress but today I am sharing how I made my 'quilted strip cushion', from start to finish
I already had quite a lot of 'scrap' materialI'm a fabric hoarder I like to have fabric on hand just in case I get the 'crafty itch'
What you need
* Different coloured/patterned material
I chose six different materials, but you could use however many you like
* A piece of calico to back your fabric strips in the size of your choosing
The size I chose for my cushion 42cm x 42cm
*Backing fabric of your choosing to form the back of your cushion
How to create
Cut your chosen fabric into strips about 4cm wide and about 3cm longer in length than your backing fabric. Make sure you cut enough strips to cover the entire backing fabric.
Fold the strips in half and iron each strip to form a sharp crease. Once done, lay your strips out on the bench, and decide the order that you wish your colours to form.
Take the first strip and sew onto the calico, repeating with each strip, overlapping them to form the quilted pattern. Shown below :
Pin the quilted piece and chosen backing fabric together right sides facing each other and sew three of the sides together sewing in a zipper on the fourth side, then turn the fabric out so that you can see the finished product.
Stuff your cushion and TA DA !
You have made yourself a Quilted strip cushion :)
Happy sewing
beck xx
I think a couch covered in beautiful, stylish cushions brings colour and warmth to your home. But I must confess..........Up until now my lounge has been pretty naked !
I have had cushions over the years, but my boys have always used them as flying sauces, or as a tool for bashing each other (this still occurs) but I have had enough of seeing my couch in all its naked glory, its time to brighten the place up a bit.
I decided instead of spending hours searching for the 'right' cushions at the store, that I would pull the crafty card and make my own. This is still a work progress but today I am sharing how I made my 'quilted strip cushion', from start to finish
I already had quite a lot of 'scrap' material
What you need
* Different coloured/patterned material
I chose six different materials, but you could use however many you like
* A piece of calico to back your fabric strips in the size of your choosing
The size I chose for my cushion 42cm x 42cm
*Backing fabric of your choosing to form the back of your cushion
How to create
Cut your chosen fabric into strips about 4cm wide and about 3cm longer in length than your backing fabric. Make sure you cut enough strips to cover the entire backing fabric.
Fold the strips in half and iron each strip to form a sharp crease. Once done, lay your strips out on the bench, and decide the order that you wish your colours to form.
Take the first strip and sew onto the calico, repeating with each strip, overlapping them to form the quilted pattern. Shown below :
Pin the quilted piece and chosen backing fabric together right sides facing each other and sew three of the sides together sewing in a zipper on the fourth side, then turn the fabric out so that you can see the finished product.
You have made yourself a Quilted strip cushion :)
Happy sewing
beck xx
4 Mar 2014
Just Breathe
At one stage in my life, there were many events and outings that occupied my time and kept me very busy, entertained, and enjoying life.
I thrived being out with others, letting my hair down, so to speak and spending time being me and not 'just a mum'. Not that there is anything wrong with that, after all for the past twenty almost twenty one years that has been ME and the road I chose and what I always dreamt of being. I enjoy being a'mum' more than anything, it has fulfilled all my expectations and more.
But lets face it, we all need to let loose and spend quality time with our partners and friends. To feel alive and refreshed.........
That used to be me !
Now, at this stage in my life going out has become a rare occasion.
Sad but true.....
Life has taken over, I have let it. I have let myself disappear. I no longer sparkle. I am lost.
Now when the invites come. I panic. I need to know exactly who is attending and what will be happening.
Questions attack my inner thoughts.
Will I fit in ?
Will anyone talk to me ?
Will anyone notice that I am there ?
Will I embarrass my husband ?
And on and on it goes like a merry go round in my head.
Right now I am scared out of my mind. An event is coming up [this weekend in fact] for my husbands work. A weekend away to the beautiful Daydream Island. I should be excited, I should be smiling from ear to ear. An entire weekend away from the norm. A weekend in paradise......but the thought of it is making me feel very uneasy. I'm heading very much out of my comfort zone.
My reality is, I feel as though I don't fit in with anyone that will be attending. I feel awkward and very nervy. I am embarrassed at my recent weight gain due to health issues and medication that I am taking.
I no longer feel 'normal' I no longer feel like me, and I don't know how to bounce back.....
The closer the time comes, the more teary I feel. I hate feeling this way and wish that I could just shake it off.
I am mad at myself, what do I really have to be worried about ? I should be thankful and happy.
And I am thankful, I really am. As for being happy......I am going to have to work on it so that I don't loose myself forever. My husband deserves his wife back, my kids still need their mother and I need to enjoy life again, like I use to. I know that it is all in my head, I just need to learn to deal with my anxiety, learn to throw it away and not dwell on it, I will learn to find a way to focus on shining and bringing back the old me !!!
I just have to find a way to begin, I need to stop, gather my thoughts and just breathe.
Linking up with the lovely Jess for another week of IBOT
I thrived being out with others, letting my hair down, so to speak and spending time being me and not 'just a mum'. Not that there is anything wrong with that, after all for the past twenty almost twenty one years that has been ME and the road I chose and what I always dreamt of being. I enjoy being a'mum' more than anything, it has fulfilled all my expectations and more.
But lets face it, we all need to let loose and spend quality time with our partners and friends. To feel alive and refreshed.........
That used to be me !
Now, at this stage in my life going out has become a rare occasion.
Sad but true.....
Life has taken over, I have let it. I have let myself disappear. I no longer sparkle. I am lost.
Now when the invites come. I panic. I need to know exactly who is attending and what will be happening.
Questions attack my inner thoughts.
Will I fit in ?
Will anyone talk to me ?
Will anyone notice that I am there ?
Will I embarrass my husband ?
And on and on it goes like a merry go round in my head.
Right now I am scared out of my mind. An event is coming up [this weekend in fact] for my husbands work. A weekend away to the beautiful Daydream Island. I should be excited, I should be smiling from ear to ear. An entire weekend away from the norm. A weekend in paradise......but the thought of it is making me feel very uneasy. I'm heading very much out of my comfort zone.
My reality is, I feel as though I don't fit in with anyone that will be attending. I feel awkward and very nervy. I am embarrassed at my recent weight gain due to health issues and medication that I am taking.
I no longer feel 'normal' I no longer feel like me, and I don't know how to bounce back.....
The closer the time comes, the more teary I feel. I hate feeling this way and wish that I could just shake it off.
I am mad at myself, what do I really have to be worried about ? I should be thankful and happy.
And I am thankful, I really am. As for being happy......I am going to have to work on it so that I don't loose myself forever. My husband deserves his wife back, my kids still need their mother and I need to enjoy life again, like I use to. I know that it is all in my head, I just need to learn to deal with my anxiety, learn to throw it away and not dwell on it, I will learn to find a way to focus on shining and bringing back the old me !!!
I just have to find a way to begin, I need to stop, gather my thoughts and just breathe.
Linking up with the lovely Jess for another week of IBOT
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