9 Oct 2017
Summer is just around the corner bringing with it long lazy days by the pool, backyard BBQ's with family and friends and the return of the dreaded mozzie who on there own are enough to turn summer fun into summer misery.
If your anything like me, you attract the mozzie with a vengeance. They attack you in swarms sucking the life out of you, leaving your skin with huge itchy welts.
Not much fun huh !
It doesn't seem to matter how often I spray repellent, they always seem to find a way to bite me.
So this year I have done some research on others ways that I can help to give the mozzies the boot, and it seems that there are some plants out there that can help repel the beast.
Lavender is a plant that grows well indoors and out which has a double advantage when it comes to mosquitoes. Lavender help repel the pest as they do not like the scent that the plant gives off. So planting some in the garden or keeping a pot of lavender indoors will help to keep them at bay.
The smell of basil is loathed by mosquitoes. Rub the fresh leaves onto your skin for a natural repellent that will deter the most pesky mozzie.
Besides being edible and adding a gorgeous splash of colour to your garden beds, marigolds are useful for keeping mozzies away from humans and aphids away from your plants and vegetable gardens. A handy little plant indeed.
The original bug repellent that is a common ingredient in almost every store bought repellent out there. Add one of these attractive plants to your pool or BBQ area this summer.
Peppermint will fill your garden with a gorgeous scent as well as repelling the warm weather pest. A natural insecticide, it kills as well as repels.
Remember these plants are just some species that help to repel mosquitoes, and wont do the job all on their own. They are just a preventive and other measures need to be taken as well.
Make sure that all containers around your home are empty of water, and there are no puddles of water that will attract mozzies, and always keep a repellent spray handy to keep those nasty little critters away so that you can enjoy your summer like you deserve.
beck xx
3 Oct 2017
I wasn’t going to weigh in on the marriage equality debate, but I’ve changed my mind. And as a woman that is my prerogative.
You see Mr Turnbull, I honestly don’t understand why you are against marriage of same sex couples.
Do you see it as some kind of threat ?
I can’t see the point of wasting precious time and funds by asking Australians to vote on something that should be a no brainer. It doesn't need to be hard.
Tell me something Prime Minister. Are you scared ?
Do you think that by making same sex marriage legal, you will look weak ? That you will look like a follower ? Like someone who is under pressure to conform to society ?
Well let me tell you Mr Turnbull you are weak, and I believe that you are scared. Of what I am uncertain, but to many your weakness and lack of courage is obvious.
Lend me an ear Prime Minister, as I have something to say to you, something that you ought to know.
I am the proud Australian mother of an openly gay son. A son who deserves respect, a grown man who deserves the right to make his own choices, an Australian citizen who deserves to love and marry the person he chooses just like you and me, because he is just like you and me. Human and nobody has the right to deny a human being happiness.
You say fairness and equality are at the heart of Australian society so tell me, why are you not playing fair ?
As a parent yourself I am sure that you want your children to live long and happy lives, so why do you want to deny my son the same right ?
I have no doubt that you would want your children to feel loved and complete, so why do you want my son to live through life without the contentment that marrying your soul mate gives ?
I am also sure that you would stand up for your child if push came to shove, that you would stand up and support your child in a fierce manner that only a parent can. And you know what Malcolm Turnbull, that is exactly what I am doing. I am standing up for my son who should have the same rights as his brothers, I am supporting my son publicly and I am being fierce Mr Turnball as only a mother knows how.
What right do you have Prime Minister ?
Can you answer that question honestly ?
Were you not voted in to lead this country and its people, not degrade some of them of their human right ?
Marriage is the commitment of two people who love each other, and no one that walks this earth should be made to feel ashamed of who they are, who they love or who fulfils them.
Mr Prime Minister, as a mother to four sons I must ask you.
How would you honestly feel if one of your children was to be treated differently than another ?
Let me answer it for you.....
It would break your heart !
2 Oct 2017
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER Health and Fitness Update
Here we are almost ten months into the year and although progress has been made on this health journey of mine, I haven't nearly progressed as much as I would have liked by now.
Its true that I have lost weight not gained, but I really thought that my goal would have reached half way by now.
I wont give up though and that is what counts right ?
Isn't loosing weight slowly better in the long run ?
The challenge for August was to go meatless....
Yeah um I think I maybe managed this once or twice but this is just not an easy thing for me to achieve. With a house full of men to cook for and satisfy, I found myself still serving up a portion of meat onto my plate as well. My meal serves have halved so that is certainly a good thing, but technically l “failed" this challenge. I am not beating myself up about it. I just don't think that I am cut out to go full on vegetarian.
Septembers challenge was to find a workout buddy....
My workout buddy is usually music on my phone. I plug myself in and off I go. Other times I walk with my mum. As she was away for most of the month my workout was done alone or dare I say it not at all.
The challenge for the month is to "savor your meals" and with the hot weather arriving, I am planning on serving up delicious salads that I know will demand to be savored.
Its time to stop putting things off and ramp it up a notch. I need to stop procrastinating and DO all of the things RIGHT NOW !
1 Oct 2017
TAKING STOCK - September 2017
Are you on the same roller coaster as me ? The one that seems to be hurtling towards the end of the year faster than you ever thought possible ? It's like I blinked and September vanished into thin air. It certainly is a reminder for us all to stop and take in the little things that surrounds us.
Pip really was onto a good thing when she started Taking Stock each month to keep a diary of sorts for everything that she wanted to remember. So many of us have joined in with her, and I love taking a moment to stop and think of what went on in my life at the end of each month. So without any more rambling, here is my September.
Making time to do some craft again. Its been a long time between projects and it feels good to be making stuff again.
Cooking large amounts of fried rice. I cant seem to feed my family enough of it.
Drinking Kombucha. Where on earth has this been all my life ? I know that I am slow to the party, but I cant get enough of this delicious beverage.
Reading The Mummy Bloggers by Holly Wainwright. I had really high expectations for this book, but was kind of disappointed in it. I also read Spin Cycle by Ilsa Evans and really enjoyed this one. Seems it was the month of Aussie authors for me.
Wanting time to slow down. How is October already ?
Looking for new recipes that will cut down time in the kitchen over summer. I will be trying many new salad recipes on my family and was wondering if you have any summer meals that you would like to share with me ?
Wishing I could pack up and take my family on a holiday. One day it will happen. One day.....
Enjoying life right now. Time spent with my family and just generally taking the time to stop and smell the roses. I've finally got it into my thick head that there is no point stressing over the small things.
Waiting for rain. It is so dry here that our grass is brown and crunchy and water restrictions are tight. We are hoping that we actually get a long over due wet season this summer. Without the cyclones of course.
Liking my new fan in our bedroom.
Wondering how long its going to be before our pool is invaded by our sons friends and the house and yard is full of wet towels.
Loving the colour green.
Listening to Pinks new songs and Busby Marou.
Buying new dresses to get me through the hot summer months that are on their way.
Watching trash TV as always lol
Hoping that the last few months of the year pass a little slower.
Needing more time with my family.
Questioning why everything in life has to cost so much money.
Smelling all the pretty flowers that are in bloom. I really love spring time.
Wearing cool dresses, and pyjamas on the school run
Noticing that my family don't NOTICE all the work I do around the home for them.
Knowing that it is only thirteen days until Pinks new album is released and I can not wait :)
Thinking about the job interview I have on Tuesday and freaking out.
Admiring people who know exactly who they are and are completely at ease with themselves.
Getting ready to start painting the house.
Opening birthday presents. I really was a lucky lady this year.
Closing closing the door on forty two and welcoming in the year of being forty three.
Feeling tired.
Dreaming of going on a cruise some time in the future.
Hearing the birds early in the morning. Such a lovely way to wake up.
Celebrating my birthday and the North QLD Cowboys making the NRL grand final. Come on boys you can do it .....
Pretending that my boys are still little and we still have all the time in the world.
Embracing this fabulous family that my husband and I have created together and knowing that without them my life would be totally incomplete.
How was your September ?
Did you celebrate any birthdays or anniversaries ?
Are just as baffled as me as to where this year has gone ?
beck xx
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Well hello there.... It’s been a while between blog posts, I needed time to gather my thoughts and to heal, both inside and out. Most of...
Are you on the same roller coaster as me ? The one that seems to be hurtling towards the end of the year faster than you ever thought poss...
Here we are almost ten months into the year and although progress has been made on this health journey of mine, I haven't nearly prog...
Pause Rewind Stop It’s only the second day of this brand new year and I’m already taking a step back in time. Back to November when ...