23 May 2016
Its bitter sweet when one of your babies reaches a milestone age. On one hand, your so proud of them, but on the other you want to keep them small and dependent on you, keeping them close.
On the weekend we celebrated our third sons eighteenth. Let me just breath deeply for a moment and take that in. I now have three sons aged eighteen and over. When on earth did that happen ? How did that happen ? My babies are all grown up now and its bittersweet.
Where do I begin. Bringing you into this world was not easy. Throughout the whole pregnancy I was unwell, but knowing that the end result would be a beautiful baby boy, my third son, was all I needed to know to get through that long nine months. Since the day that you were born, you have given us so much love and joy. Your giant smile lights up a room. Your funny and smart, caring and loving. Your sense of humour is brilliant, your quick witted, funny and a barrel of laughs. Even on the darkest of days your light shines bright.
Your life is just beginning my boy. The world awaits your brilliance. I wait to see what you will contribute. I know it will be something grand, for you lived your childhood without fear. You have always grabbed every opportunity that has come your way with gusto and I am sure that you will continue to do that just the same throughout your adult life.
Our family has so much love and respect for you my little Zack Attack. We will support you, and all that life has to offer you . Continue to dream big and know that no matter what, you will always have me in your corner. I love you more than words could ever say.
Love mum xx
beck xx
11 May 2016
If like me you have been following along with Babymac's One Thing posts, you would know how inspiring they are. They have been kicking my butt into gear since day one, showering all her readers with the motivation to tackle everything on their to do lists with gusto.
This week, my one thing was simple. So darn simple it took three years to complete. Yeah you heard me. Three years !
Our living area is at the front of our house boasting four generous windows one of which has been missing the screen for three years thanks to one of my fluffy felines. We have had the new screen for almost two years and although every single day I past that tube of mesh a hundred zillion times, I put off fixing that darn window till tomorrow. Always tomorrow.
Well yesterday that tomorrow came.
Opening the windows yesterday I was happily greeted with a morning breeze, something that has been rare of late around here but of course it was only flowing through three out four windows. Frustrated I realised that the only way it would get done was if I stopped putting it off and just did it myself.
So I did...
We can now open all our front windows letting the breeze in and keeping all the unwanted bugs out. I have never been so excited to open a window before.
Do you follow along with Beth's one thing posts ?
If so, what was your one thing for this week ?
beck xx
4 May 2016
Mother's Day is this Sunday. The day when mothers get a lazy morning in bed relaxing while waiting for breakfast to be served. Being showered by gifts and a full day of smiles and happiness with not an argument to be heard....
Yeah right !
And pigs may fly....
If your mother's day is like the adverts on telly, then power to you girl, but for the majority of us, though we are loved to bits, are married to the best guy in the world and have adoring children. Most likely Mother's Day is just another day on the calendar. Yeah I know, cue the nodding of heads.
So to make the most out of the day, start preparing your wish list if you haven't already or go out and spoil yourself with something that you have been lusting after but have put off purchasing. And the perfect place to start is at your local Kmart.
Unless you have been living under a rock, you would know that Kmart has been leading the way with their good quality but affordable home ware's line. Oh the joy they have bought to millions of women as they walk the isles filling their baskets with the beautiful goodies they find hard to resist.
Here are a few of the things on my Mother's Day wish list...
Top left - Urbano table lamp $20
Top right - Abstract circular print $14
Bottom left - Marble tea light holder $9
Bottom right - Prism terrarium $8
Lightweight print scarves - $7
Are they or are they not gorgeous choices ? Gifts DO NOT need to be expensive to hit the spot. In fact gifts are really just the icing on the cake. Spending time with your family is what the day is all about, being loved and cared for by the most important people in your life.
I hope that each and every one of you have a beautiful Mother's Day filled with light and love.
beck xx
{this is in no way a sponsored post, just a collection of beautiful Kmart products put together to showcase my favourite items at the moment.}
1 May 2016
TAKING STOCK - April 2016
As we hurtle head first into a brand new month, its hard to believe just how fast this year is going. I have been unable to spend as much time here on the blog as I would have liked, but here's hoping that that is about to change.
At the end of each month, many bloggers join in with the beautiful Pip of Meet Me At Mikes to Take Stock of their month and share with others what may or may not be happening in their lives. I've been slack of late, but I love reading the posts just as much as I love writing them.
So here, is my month of April....
Making : Dinner every single night. Did we really sign up to this when we became wives and mothers ?
Cooking : A few new recipes that will one day make it onto the blog.
Drinking : Trying to cut down on wine and drink more water.
Wanting : To start yoga back up but to worried about my weight to walk into a studio.
Looking : Forward to some cooler weather.
Playing : Playing lots of old music from way back when. Is it possible that it sounds better the older we get ?
Deciding : If I want to grow my hair again... I know, I'm crazy.
Wishing : That illness was not apart of life, that when our time comes to move on from this life we just go to sleep not knowing any pain.
Wondering : When my kitchen is going to be fixed after flooding six weeks ago.
Loving : The singing dogs on the Subaru ad on TV
Pondering : What is next for me. With the kids all grown, I need something to occupy me.
Considering : Paint colours yet again.
Buying : Art supplies and loving that I am finally starting to paint again.
Watching : MKR and cheering on the local Miner boys. Good on them for doing so well.
Needing : Prayers for my beautiful sick Uncle.
Questioning : So many things about life.
Smelling : Rain on the hot pavement.
Wearing : Jeans, although its been awful hot I have dragged them out of hibernation for when the cool weather arrives. ( if it does)
Following : So many beautiful new Instagram accounts. Its such an addictive platform
Noticing : All the Autumn pics from down south, namely Baby Mac's and being jealous of the changing leaves and burning fires.
Admiring : My beautiful cow hide that I got from Melbourne last year. I love it so.
Sorting : Always sorting the pantry.
Getting : Tired of the constant hot dry weather of Nth Queensland.
Disliking : Doing the dishes by hand. FIX MY KITCHEN ALREADY.
Feeling : Like a big life change is warrented.
Snacking : Way to much.
Hearing : The family of Kookaburras each morning is a lovely way to start the day.
So there is my April of sorts.
How was your month ? Was it jam packed or laid back ?
beck xx
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