I have been a little to busy to blog lately. With life powering on at such a fast pace, its like I have been left behind in the race unable to keep up.
The months are just powering through this year, how is it already the end of October ? My youngest son has only four weeks left of year eleven and I am so overwhelmed and anxious about it all. I never dreamt that my journey through motherhood would fly by so quickly.
Anyway, back to taking stock. I love Pip form Meet Me At Mikes idea of taking stock. It's such a wonderful idea to reflect on the month that was and keep record of all that you do and experience. So here we go...
Cooking a lot of every day boring meals. When this time of year rolls around, its hot and I cant really be bothered with trying to wow my family.
Drinking Chai Lattes like a mad woman. I am SO addicted to them lately.
Reading The Girl In The Red Coat. I was kind of left underwhelmed with this book. The ending was disappointing and I just expected a little more. I guess I am a fussy reader.
Wanting Time to slow down.
Looking forward to the slow mornings of Summer holidays.
Deciding weather of not to go all out this Christmas as I usually do, or to bring it down a notch or two. I'm not sure I have the energy to get into it this year.
Wishing that Christmas was a little further away.
Enjoying the calm moments in my garden lately.
Waiting for some good news for my boy who as of December fourth is out of work.
Liking chocolate a little too much.
Listening to Adele, and getting a kick out of some pod casts lately.
Buying not much at all except what is needed. I have been really
Watching a whole lot of time wasting reality TV
Hoping that we can hold onto this beautiful Spring weather for a few more weeks before the dreaded Summer humidity hits.
Needing some more quality time with my husband. We have had some wonderful weekends lately and I am hoping that it continues.
Questioning myself.
Smelling Spring everywhere I go. The flowers, the morning air and Spring showers. My favourite time of year.
Wearing shorts for the first time in years and loving it. Not sure how others feel about my big butt in them, but I cant see it and that is all that matters.
Following some really beautiful Instagram and Snapchat accounts. So many of their posts take my breath away.
Bookmarking some new recipes that I may try out for Christmas.
Disliking all the nasty carry on between bloggers lately. Why do some of them and their followers feel the need to put others down. We are all just sharing our thoughts and journeys. We may not agree with everybody but that does not make them wrong. We should be holding each other up, helping each other and sharing the love.
Giggling at my sons and their antics. They never fail to make me laugh.
Feeling tired, more than usual.
Helping my son to look for a new job and keeping his spirits up. He has so much to offer and I know that the right job/position is just around the corner.
Celebrating my youngest sons efforts to become the 2017 school captain. He has made us so very proud no matter the outcome, I do hope he snags this feather in his cap though. We find out tonight at the annual awards night so stay tuned.
Embracing wild hair and not spending so much time drying it in the morning, letting it dry naturally and embracing the outcome.
beck xx